Wednesday, 22 September 2010 05:00



We chose to use Tontine's polyester batts because of their safety for installers and residents, Ecospecifier endorsement, and their recycled content were in keeping with the design philosophy of the Hill End Ecohouse.

Emma Scragg
Senior Architect – Sustainability
Riddel Architecture

[Tontine Insulation] is quick and easy to use. [We] chose it based on its environmental properties and that it was easy to handle. It was exactly what we were looking for on this project.

Leo Bomford
Royal Children's Hospital upgrade

We chose [Tontine Insulation] as it's easy to tear, no tools are necessary.

Travencore Apartments

We chose to use Acoustisorb [as opposed to] rockwool or glasswool because it simply met our expectations and performed equally, if not better, to rockwool or glasswool...

Paul Oakes,
Construction Manager
SAE (Sound and Audio Engineering School) refurbishment


Tontine Insulation is a great product to use, we love it. You can literally wrap yourself up in the stuff and it doesn't itch. And look how easy it is to tear.

Steve Trewin,



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